Lawrence, Indianapolis
Lawrence real estate average home sales price is approximately $130,000. Lawrence’s home prices range between $20,000 to over a million. (statistics from MIBOR).
Lawrence is a growing community conveniently located just north of Indianapolis with easy access to major interstate highways.
Fast Facts
- Lawrence Population: 40,795
- Size: 20 square miles
- Lawrence Parks: 11
- Schools: Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township – serves 16,000 students, 7th largest district in Indiana.
- Landmarks: Historic Fort Benjamin Harrison, located in the 1,700-acre Fort Harrison State Park.
- Lawrence Home Ownership Rate: 75.8%, above state average
- Lawrence Median Household income: $47,838, above state average
The ninth largest school district in the state, the MSD of Lawrence Township serves just under 16,000 students. Throughout Indiana, Lawrence Township is recognized as a “lighthouse” school district, a reputation built over the years based on the district’s award-winning staff, high-achieving students, supportive community, innovative educational programs, and nationally recognized character education initiative.