Westfield, Hamilton County
Westfield real estate’s average home sales price is approximately $235,000. Westfield’s home prices range between $135,000 and over 1 million (statistics from MIBOR).
Westfield, Indiana is a great community for many first-time home buyers as well as life-long residents. It offers affordable living options such as apartments and traditional-style homes on rural roads in addition to large custom homes and golf villas for higher-income families and individuals.
Westfield Washington Schools’ mission is to provide engaging and challenging educational opportunities that will prepare all students to become life-long learners and help them to become respectful, responsible, compassionate, honest, and hard-working citizens. Click here to learn more about Westfield Washington Schools.
Westfield Recreation
A 90-acre nature park is located on U.S. 31 two miles south of Westfield. Forest Park, a 55-acre park in Noblesville offers swimming, tennis, baseball, camping, picnicking, clubhouse, miniature golf courses, and the Indiana Museum of Transportation and Communication. Morse Reservoir is nearby offering all water sports and Conner Prairie Settlement is just a few miles away. Several public and private golf courses are located within minutes of Westfield.